Health Nut Chefs - Healthy Personal Chef Services in NYC

Ingredient: sesame seeds

Super Star Crunch

Super Star Crunch

When I was a kid I loved those Little Debbie Star Crunch. The crispy, caramel like chocolate covered treats. But now that I’m an adult and prefer healthier homemade treats, I decided to create a more salubrious spin on my childhood fave. Continue Reading

Sweet Dukkah

Sweet Dukkah

If you have yet to discover how wonderful dukkah is, I am here to tell you it’s the “seasoning” you need in your life! I use air quotes, because it’s not a seasoning in the traditional sense.

Dukkah is an Egyptian blend of toasted spices, seeds and nuts. It’s quick and easy to make and is so versatile you can shake, bake and sprinkle it on just about anything.  Continue Reading

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