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Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Granola
Chocolatey granola made with rolled oats, cacao, almonds, chia, dark chocolate chunks and sea salt
  1. heat oven to 300°, line two large sheet pans with parchment paper
  2. in a large bowl combine oats through cinnamon, stir to blend
  3. in a small saucepan or oven-safe glass measuring cup, melt coconut oil, sweetener(s) of choice and fine sea salt *save the large flake salt and chopped chocolate for the end of recipe
  4. pour coconut oil mixture over oat mixture and stir well, spread out on prepared sheet pans, and bake until lightly browned, about 35-40 minutes
  5. let granola cool completely on pans (otherwise it won’t crisp up as well); once completely cooled add sea salt and chopped chocolate
  6. store granola in an airtight jar at room temp for several weeks
Recipe Notes
  1. recipe makes roughly 3 – 4 cups
  2. see blog post for my favorite ingredient brand recommendations, plus ideas on where else to enjoy this recipe

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer