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Frozen Almond Joy Bites
Frozen coconut macaroon style cookies with toasted almonds and dark chocolate
Servings Prep Time
6servings 5minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 15minutes
Servings Prep Time
6servings 5minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
2minutes 15minutes
  1. melt dark chocolate, either in the microwave in 30-second increments (60 – 90 seconds total), or melt in a double boiler
  2. top each cookie with a toasted almond
  3. using two forks, gently dip each cookie into melted chocolate; alternatively place cookies on a parchment lined plate and drizzle chocolate over cookies to cover
  4. freeze at least until set, about 15 minutes, or longer for a frozen treat; Almond Joy Bites can be enjoyed at room temp or frozen, depending on your preference
Recipe Notes

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer