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Spaghetti Squash with Pumpkin Seed Pesto
Roasted spaghetti squash with basil pumpkin seed & parmesan pesto
Servings Prep Time
4servings 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4servings 15minutes
Cook Time
  1. heat oven to 425°, line a sheet pan with parchment paper
  2. drizzle cut side of squash halves with a little oil, then season with salt & pepper
  3. roast squash halves, cut side up, until tender and squash has “spaghetti“ strands, about 45 minutes; if you like yours more al dente and/or if your squash is on the smaller side start checking doneness at 30 minutes
  4. once cooked to your liking, remove squash from each half with a fork and discard skins, OR you can serve in cooked skins as “boats”; either way stir in Pumpkin Seed Pesto while squash is still warm (pesto recipe on blog!), then top with extra pumpkin seeds and grated parm if desired
Recipe Notes

Recipe serves 4 as a side, 2 as a main

Original recipe created by Jerran Boyer